Friday, August 3, 2012

Summer Group

Each Tuesday a group of people has been getting together to do something.  At the beginning we all volunteered to do a theme each week. The first week we had volcanoes. My kids had a blast!

We met at the park. Carson loved seing the turtles and fish.

 First we drank some water out of the bottle and put a couple drops of food coloring in. Next we topped it off with cooking oil. Lastly, we dropped an alca seltzer tablet in. It made a very cool bubbling effect.

 Next we split into groups. One child filled around the jar with dirt. The next put in baking soda, the next food coloring, the next dish soap and lastly, vinegar. The kids LOVED this volcano. They wanted more and more and more!

And our last volcano activity was the mentos in the coke bottle. We tried to use Diet so it wouldn't be so sticky. The kids loved seeing coke spray up into the air!

We really had a great time, made new friends, and wish to thank Terri for organizing the whole thing!

1 comment:

Terri said...

My kids looked forward to every Tuesday! I hate we missed it at your house! Lucas started crying when I told him we couldn't go. haha.