Friday, November 11, 2011

Recent Pinterest Projects...

It's no secret that I love
Here's some of the things I have made lately from wonderful ideas I have found on the site!

Super easy to cook a whole pumpkin in your oven! Who knew?!?

These are REALLY yummy and crispy!

The kids LOVED these! Super easy to make too!

Very easy to make these, just time consuming when you have 40 to make!

Mine didn't rise as much cause I used some 7 grain flour. Still very tasty!!!

Super, duper yummy but very sweet!

And some that I made and didn't take pictures...
Sent this to Warren's class for snack.

These were super yum. Plain chocolate chip cookies. Just the way Tyler likes them!

I did both of these recipes. I didn't make any frosting for them. They really didn't need it! They were both good. But Pioneer Woman got the most votes.

How about you? What have you made lately?

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