Last night the boys and I went down to Emerson Point. I just wanted to get out of the house and do something fun with the boys. When we first got there we took a bike ride to a look out point. We walked the short trail and climbed the structure to get an AMAZING view! It was breathtaking! The boys, of course, ran the whole way! After we biked back to the beach we ate our picnic dinner. The boys were much more involved in playing in the sand than eating! Ben wanted to cover up the crab holes and Warren wanted to just dig! It was almost time to go so I let the kids stick their feet in the water. They had so much fun! We came home, threw them in the bath and they were out like lights!
Boys ready for the bike ride

This view is looking at the skyway bridge and St Pete. You will have to click and make it big to see everything.

Looking back down at our bike. Again you will have to click and enlarge it.

The boys running up to the climbing place.

Ben just spotted our bike. They were dancing.

Ben tiptoeing in the sand. Don't want to touch too much of it!

Our sand castle.

One of the lucky crabs that still had a home after Ben got done with the sand.

Time to go home!
looks like fun!
hello madam.....just chanced upon u r blog........we dont know each other........
but u r kids are looking sooooooooooooooo cute, the snaps r really very pretty, just felt like joining them on the beach...
nice beach i think....
where its locate????
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