In May of this year, we decided that Nelli was not a perfect fit for our family. She is such a sweet, loving and yet hyper and high-need dog. With Tyler's surgery and our upcoming summer schedule (and not slowing down any time soon), we realized that we needed to find a good home for her. I looked into our options and found a Vizsla rescue out of Atlanta that seemed to be the perfect fit. I liked that they took a "entrance" survey from us all about Nelli, and the people that wanted to adopt had to go through a thorough application/interview process. We worked off and on for two months to find a new home for her. We were told on numerous occasions that they found a home and it would be ready as soon as we got back. Then we would get back and the plans would have changed. Long story (not so short) is we got back from FL and planned a quick weekend trip to Stone Mountain and take the dog. It all came down to Thursday (the day before we were to take her) and I had an awful gut feeling about the whole deal. I quickly pulled the plug and contacted the breeder instead. We had already made reservations to Stone Mountain so we had a quick unexpected getaway before the kids started school. And thank you to my wonderful sister who kept Nelli for the weekend (unexpectedly).
We had so much fun at Stone Mountain (besides me falling and geting hurt). We took the RV and stayed at the campground, which was very nice. We got to meet up with friends from Florida that have moved to the Atlanta area and we haven't seen in forever! And we enjoyed the park- there's so much for the kids to do. We look forward to going back soon.
We had just been on a long road trip a couple weeks before and I knew the kids weren't going to be happy in the car for an extended period of time. Right before I left, I looked at my Pinterest boards and tried to come up with something to do- enter, pipe cleaner animals. Do a google image search for pipe cleaner animals. Amazing! It's so cool to see what you can do with pipe cleaners! I, on the other hand, am not so talented. But we tried, and we had fun!
It was so good to see our friends and their precious kiddos!
The mountain! The first night we ate dinner during a big storm, enjoyed the 4D Yogi movie, had some funnel cakes and ice cream, killed some time in the gift shop, and watched some of the fireworks.
Playing in the gift shop- all Ben's idea!
The next morning we went back into the park. My silly kids.
Going up!
This is in the museum. It's a replica of the horse on the mountain. HUGE!
I ended up falling down the sidewalk and kindof ruining our day. We went back to the camper and grabbed lunch and put Carson down for a nap. Thankfully, Tyler took the bigger boys back in and did the ropes course with them. They had a BLAST- it's all they talked about for the rest of the trip. They also ended up getting tattoos. Nice.
Later, we went back into the park for the fireworks and to catch the train. I think this was Carson's favorite part of the whole trip. He loved every minute!
We didn't use our second day of our passes so we look forward to going back soon!
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